Seminars 2024

IUCLID Seminar for REACH, 2-day seminar: 4th/5th of June 24 in Dresden  

Avoid accidents: HAZOP/ LOPA/ Human Factors/ Functional Safety Seminar;


We offer specialised inhouse REACH and/or GHS seminars. These seminars will be adjusted to the needs in your company. [contact]

IUCLID Seminars: 2-day seminar at your site or in the trainings center in Dresden. [contact]

We have organised or were speakers at the following seminars on REACH and CLP-Regulation:

  • 11.-13.05.2015 in Ljubjana, Slovenia: "Biocides Symposium" organised by Chemical Watch
  • September 30th, 2014 in Dresden: "Seminar on GHS and CLP"
  • September 29th, 2014 in Dortmund: "Einstufung von Gemischen unter CLP" organized by BAuA
  • September 26th, 2014 in Halle/Saale: "REACH Conference: Authorisation and strictly controlled conditions - Intermediates under REACH"
  • September 24th, 2014 in Dresden: "Understanding REACH"
  • September 23rd, 2014 in Dresden: "Seminar on the Comsetics Regulation"
  • June 2nd, 2014 in Suhl: "REACH - Pflichten der Hersteller, Importeure und nachgeschalteten Anwender" organised by IHK Südthüringen
  • 19.03.2013 in Dresden IUCLID Refreshing
  • 18.03.2013 in Dresden IUCLID for Beginners
  • 18.&19.10.2012 in Dresden IUCLID for Beginners
  • 16.10.2012 in Berlin Working with REACH
  • 13.03.2012 in Leipzig Working with REACH
  • 06&07.03.2012 in Dresden IUCLID5-Training Cours
  • 14&15.09.2011 in Dresden IUCLID5-Training Cours
  • 07.09.2011 in Meerane (near Zwickau) "9th Western-Saxonian Environment-Board"
  • 27.06.2011 free REACH Information Event in Leipzig
  • 26.05.2011 free REACH Information Event in Dresden

  • 24.05.2011 in Dortmund: "Working with REACH"

    organised by Beuth Verlag GmbH, DIN-Akademie)

  • 04.11.2010 "Gefahrstoffkennzeichnung GHS/CLP&quot in Cottbus, Germany

    Information Event for companies at IHK Cottbus

            Booking form

  • "REACH - Seminar, CLP (EU-GHS) trainings&quot 16.06.2010 in Hamburg, Germany

    [More information]

  • 19.05.2010 in Nürnberg, Germany: "REACH-Verordnung: Vollzug und Überwachung sowie GHS / CLP in Zusammenhang mit REACH"

    organised by the Technische Akademie Wuppertal (TAW;

    More information about the REACH seminar

  • 29.04.2010 "Working with REACH/CLP" in Dresden, Germany

            More information

  • 28.04.2010 in Wuppertal, Germany: "REACH-Verordnung: Vollzug und Überwachung sowie GHS / CLP in Zusammenhang mit REACH" organised by the Technische Akademie Wuppertal (TAW;

    More information about the REACH seminar

  • 04.03.2010 "REACH - L’applicazione del regolamento (CE) n. 1907/2006 in Milano, Italy

  • 15.11.2009 "IHK - Umweltforum in Dresden&quot Speech of Dr. Gildemeister (in German):

    "How are downstream users and article producers affected by REACH?&quot

    Industrie- und Handelskammer, Dresden

  • 17.06.2009 "IHK - Umweltforum in Chemnitz&quot Speech of Dr. Gildemeister (in German):

    "How are downstream users and article producers affected by REACH?&quot

    IHK Südwestsachsen Chemnitz, Plauen, Zwickau

    [ More information]

  • 08.07.2008 " IHK-Umweltforum 2008" in Dresden [INFO]

  • 01.04.2008 "REACH-Vorregistrierung: Konkrete Schritte zur Umsetzung in der Chemischen Industrie, GDCh-Fortbildungskurs 934/08 2008 " in Frankfurt/Main

    [further information]

  • 05.03.2008 "REACh-Verordnung - Rechtzeitige Einbindung in firmeninterne Abläufe" in Wuppertal [INFO]
  • 07.02.2008 "REACH - Die Pflichten für Hersteller, Importeure und Anwender nach neuem EG-Chemikalienrecht" IHK – in Cottbus [INFO]
  • 30.01.2008 "REACH-Verordnung – richtig vorbereitet" in Freiburg/ Breisgau [Flyer]