Seminars 2024

IUCLID Seminar for REACH, 2-day seminar: 4th/5th of June 24 in Dresden  

Avoid accidents: HAZOP/ LOPA/ Human Factors/ Functional Safety Seminar;

Interested to join our team? Send us your full application.

   Das Team von Reach ChemConsult GmbH

Expertise, Experience and Knowledge

The experts of REACh ChemConsult GmbH combine a long time professional experience in chemical assessment, in developing, performing and monitoring of (eco)-toxicity tests and in process risk assessment towards health, safety and environmental regulations and standards from activity at the chemical industries and governmental agencies:

Chemical registration procedures

  • Registration of plant protection products (Germany)
  • Registration of active ingredients according to EC Directive 91/414/EEC
  • Registration of new substances according to EC Directive 92/32/EEC
  • Registration of human drugs according to EMEA Directives

Chemical assessment programmes at Advisory Committee on Existing Chemicals (BUA) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh)

  • German national existing chemicals assessment programme
  • EC’s existing chemicals assessment programme
  • OECD’s ICCA HPV programme

Scientific research experience

Participation in the development and performance of toxicity tests and bioaccumulation studies with sediment organisms:

  • CEFIC-LRI-project: Comparison of Soil and Sediment Ecotoxicity Data and Test Methods, CEFIC-Project no: ECO-1-CTUD-0101
  • UBA-research project: Validation of a Sediment Toxicity Test with the Endobenthic Aquatic Oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus by an International Ring Test, R+D No.: 202 67 429
  • UBA- research project: Validation of a Sediment Bioaccumulation Test with Endobenthic Aquatic Oligochaetes by an International Ring Test, R+D No.: 202 67 437
Thomas Gildemeister Thomas Gildemeister, PhD, Dipl. Biol. 
Managing director
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Wolfram Hofman Wolfram Hofmann, PhD
Medical specialist for toxicology and pharmacology
head of toxicology unit
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Wolfram Hofman Karl-Werner Thiem, PhD
Professional Chemist , Exposition scenarios und Risk management
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Torsten Zorn Torsten Zorn, PhD
Team Chemistry
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Theresa Hellriegel
Team International United Kingdom

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