Seminars 2024

IUCLID Seminar for REACH, 2-day seminar: 4th/5th of June 24 in Dresden  

Avoid accidents: HAZOP/ LOPA/ Human Factors/ Functional Safety Seminar;

Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. Biol. Thomas Gildemeister
Managing director

Professional experience:

  • 2000 - 2006 TU-Dresden, Institut für Hydrobiologie, Dresden
  • 2006 – 2007 Advisory Committee on Existing Chemicals (Beratergremium für Altstoffe der GDCh), Dresden
  • 2007 - 2008 Chem Consult Ltd., Dresden
  • since 2008 REACh ChemConsult GmbH, Dresden

Professional experience in the following regulatory programs:

  • REACH/ CLP-Regulation
  • biocidal product regulation
  • environmental risk assessment for pharmaceuticals
  • German national existing substance program (part ecotoxicology)
  • OECD-HPV-Program (part ecotoxicology)

Dr. med., Dipl. Chem. Wolfram Hofmann
Toxicologist, Head of toxicology unit

Professional experience:

  • 1986 - 1998 Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Germany
  • 1998 - 2005 BayerHealthcare AG, Ecology, Wuppertal, Germany
  • 2006 foundation of the company HSE Dr. Hofmann
  • since 2008 head of toxicology unit at REACh ChemConsult GmbH

Professional experience in the following regulatory programs/ topics:

  • REACH-regulation
  • Registration of new substances
  • Registration of drugs according to EMEA Directives
  • expert opinion (Scientific evaluation/report) for the definition of acceptable occupational levels, environmental risk assessment of drugs
  • member of the working group Regulatory Toxicology of the German Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT)
Dr. rer .nat. Karl-Werner Thiem, Professional Chemist
Exposure scenarios und Risk mitigating measures

Professional Activities:

  • 1971-1978: Bayer AG; Leverkusen: Research &Development, Production management : dyes, organic intermediates
  • 1978-1982: Bayer USA; development - organic intermediates
  • 1982-2001: Bayer-Pharma; Production management, management Health-Safety-Environmental(HSE)-, process& plant safety, Bayer-representative in Association of Pharma companies with Research (VFA)-committee for Health Safety &Environment(HSE)
  • 2002-2006: Bayer Currenta; Projectlleader SAP-EH&S, HSE-Auditor, QM-Manager Informations-Technology
Freelancing Activities/Competencies in the field of HSE and related governmental regulations :

  • Since 2006: freelancing consultant , speaker and Auditor: process& plant safety, handling of hazardous materials (REACH), explosion protection, fire protection.
  • Since 1990 member of DECHEMA-Section process& plant safety
  • LRQA- trained Auditor of management systems ( ISO 9000:2000)

Dr. rer. nat. Thore Wendler, Dipl. Chemiker
Compliance manager, Team Chemistry

Professional Activities:

  • 2003 - 2013: Christian-Albrechts University, organic chemistry
  • 2013 - 2023: Regulatory Affairs Manager for biocides
  • since 2024: REACh ChemConsult GmbH

Professional experience in the following regulatory programs:


  • Biocidal Products Regulation
  • CLP-Regulation
  • REACh-Regulation
  • German national chemistry laws (e.g. ChemG, ChemVerbotsVO, ChemBiozidDV)

Dipl. Chem. Dagmar Steiner

Compliance Manager, Chemist


Main focus of the consulting:

  • Safety data sheets
  • Operating instructions
  • Dangerous goods consultancy, dangerous goods safety advisor for all classes (road, rail, inland waterways, sea, air), Dangerous goods training for companies packaging and transporting hazardous goods

Dipl. Chem. Kerstin Hellmann

Compliance Manager, Chemist


Main focus of the consulting:

  • SCIP and PCN Notifications to ECHA
  • Safety data sheets
  • REACH regulation
  • Determination of water hazard classes (WGK)
  • Dangerous goods consultancy, dangerous goods safety advisor for all classes (road, rail, waterways, sea, air), Dangerous goods training for companies packaging and transporting hazardous goods